Earlier in the week I discussed the non-fine for Ezekiel Elliott and his jumping into a Salvation Army kettle.
Today its time to discuss the NFL and the $ 18000 fine they gave to Odell Beckham JR for wearing colourful cleats during Sundays game. Beckham wore them in honour of Craig Sager who died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia. He did so in the name of the charity and was auctioning the cleats off and donating the proceeds to cancer research.
The truth is some players were given permission in week 12 to wear cleats in support of their charity. So it seems like the NFL picks their battles.
Speaking of battles, a real battle is the one Craig Sager fought. I know AML all too well. This is the disease that took my father less than two years ago. It zaps the energy out of you and you are left to live your last months trying to stay awake for ten minutes at a time. I think of all the sports stories that have come across the newswire and social media this year this might be the most laughable. To think that one of the most powerful corporations in America is uptight about the colour of cleats.  I wish I could talk about it, and laugh with my pops one more time.
Have a very Merry Xmas, Happy Chanukah and healthy and happy new year.
See you in 2017.